When looking for ways to invest your hard-earned money, safety and a good return on investment are prime considerations. To get the best rates available, however, you don’t have to limit your choice to the bank that you have a savings account with. Raisin.ie, the first and only pan-European deposit marketplace for savers, provides access to the highest deposit yields across Europe. Start saving today and reap the benefits! This is how it works:
Raisin.ie’s mission is to tackle the savings deposit market in Europe and break down barriers to better savings for European consumers and small to medium-sized enterprises. Raisin.ie’s marketplace is constantly growing and currently offers simple access, at no charge, to a selection of more than 34 attractive and guaranteed deposit products from 5 European countries.
In just a few steps, you can register online and after completing identification, you can choose from exclusive offers from our partner banks. To start saving, select your preferred deposit account and transfer the required investment amount – Raisin.ie will take care of the rest for you.
Moreover, with our Online Banking System, you will be provided with an overview of your various deposit accounts as well as regular updates about new savings products, making it quick and simple to manage your accounts and deposits.