Welcome to Raisin Bank! Earn up to 2.80% AER and claim a bonus of up to €200

✓ Access over 100 secure savings accounts from banks across Europe

✓ Manage everything with a single login

✓ No fees or hidden charges


"Best Savings Provider" 2025


Featured on the CCPC Money Tools


Member of the Contact Centre Management Association (CCMA)


Raisin.ie in the media

How do I qualify for the welcome bonus?


All new customers who register via the online form with Raisin Bank between 10.03.2025 and 21.04.2025 are eligible for our welcome bonus. The bonus applies to the first savings account you open. You can choose from one of our demand deposit accounts or fixed term deposits with an opening deposit of at least €10,000 and a minimum term of six months. You must open your first savings account by 05.05.2025 at the latest. Only the first savings account qualifies, meaning the minimum deposit cannot be split across multiple accounts.

Bonus amounts

Savings account

Deposit amount

Welcome bonus

Fixed term or demand deposit

from €10,000 to €24,999.99


Fixed term or demand deposit

from €25,000 to €49,999.99


Fixed term or demand deposit

from €50,000 to €99,999.99


Fixed term or demand deposit

€100,000 or more


How can I claim the welcome bonus?

To receive the bonus, email us with the subject "Welcome Bonus" to bonus@raisin.ie after your registration as a new customer, within the campaign period (10.03.2025–05.05.2025). The email must be sent from the address you used to register with Raisin Bank, and it must be received by 05.05.2025. Late emails will not be considered.

Our top offers

When will the welcome bonus be paid out?

If all the conditions are met, the bonus amount will be automatically paid to your Raisin Account. The payout date depends on the type of savings account you choose to open:

  • Fixed term deposit with a minimum term of 6 months: on 19.05.2025
  • Demand deposit accounts: on 19.11.2025


  • Open to new customers who register via the online form between 10.03.2025 and 21.04.2025.
  • Applies only to the first savings account opened.
  • Eligible accounts: demand deposit or fixed term deposit (minimum €10,000, term of at least 6 months).
  • The first account must be opened by 05.05.2025.
  • The deposit cannot be split across multiple accounts.
  • Bonus claim email must be sent from the same email used for registration. Deadline: 05.05.2025 (late emails will not be considered).
  • Fixed term deposit (6+ months) → payout on 19.05.2025.
  • Demand deposit account → payout on 19.11.2025.